

Monday 8 June 2015

SAR Drones for Effective Rescues

These days, drones are being used in several jobs and every day one sees another use being added. Therefore, one hears of ambulance drones and construction drones besides SWAT drone and Public Safety Drone besides Real Estate Drone and Firefighter Drone among many others. However, Search and Rescue (SAR) Drone is one of the earliest functions to which the drone had been put. The reason is obvious. A drone can fly on command over a much larger area at a far lower cost than a normal aircraft and even a helicopter. The fact that a pilot’s life is not threatened especially when the theater is volatile makes the SAR drone a very attractive choice.


Today’s Search and Rescue Drone is highly complex and advanced. There are SAR drones with look down capability and high-resolution video camera with the help of which one can search an area with great precision in real-time. Because of its characteristics, the exact location can be relayed at any given time to the search team on ground. Since the average flight times are small and the area being surveyed large, the controller has time to launch these drones in different patterns such as either the expanding spiral search or the zigzag sweep patterns. In this manner a drone can accomplish a search in minutes that may take personnel on ground hours to achieve. The other feature with these drones is that they are quite capable of dropping various stores to the survivors on ground. These can be communication equipment and GPS locators among others. Finally, the use of IR imaging cameras further widens the scope of search and recovery drones in limited visibility conditions. 

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